We had an incredible year full of travel and now half way across the globe we’re promptly at the start of 2017— still on the road. We had a good time scrolling through over 3,000 photos Tom took and reading all the hastily written notes from traveling 18,000 miles. We had a lot of laughs, a great deal of triumphs, and moments of shear exhaustion. Travel can be hard work, but it’s a life we’re truly grateful to live. Just as a recap we wanted to put together a fun page of highlights over the past year.
16 Photos As We Explore Cultures Outside Of Our Own
Arequipa, Peru
Cusco, Peru
Golden Bay, New Zealand
Nelson Lakes, New Zealand
Barichara, Colombia
Salento, Colombia
Barichara, Colombia
Valparaiso, Chile
San Gil, Colombia
Barichara, Colombia
Banos, Ecuador
San Augustin, Colombia
“No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away.”
24 New Places We Explored
Mancora, Peru
Huaraz, Peru
Cusco, Peru
Aguas Calientes, Peru
Huacachina, Peru
Paracas, Peru
Arequipa, Peru
San Pedro De Atacoma, Chile
Santiago, Chile
Valparaíso, Chile
Auckland, New Zealand
Nelson, New Zealand
San Diego, California
Tempe, Arizona
Moab, Utah
Santa Marta, Colombia
Palomino, Colombia
San Gil, Colombia
Barichara, Colombia
Guadalupe, Colombia
Salento, Colombia
San Augustine, Colombia
Ipiales, Colombia
Banos, Ecuador
Things We’ve Learned
Human sacrifices still happen in remote villages in the Andes
Beer in Peru is terrible
Dentists in Peru don’t always wear gloves
We can’t control what happens, but we do have control over how we deal with it
There are good people and bad people everywhere in the world
Most prices in Peru aren’t fixed (AKA gringo tax)
Sand boarding is much harder than snowboarding
Ecuador is expensive if traveling on a budget
Traveling from A to B in South America can be expensive, but once you arrive it’s very affordable
A VPN is necessary when traveling for identity security
Patience is important
Personal space is a luxury worth appreciating when you are afforded
A good hot shower is a blessing
Travel is hard work and not everyone wants to put in that work, but the benefits are well deserved in the end
7 Things We Never Thought We’d Get To Do
Bungee jump from 230ft
Climb 15,583ft over a pass in the Andes Mountains
Swim in a waterfall
Have temporary residency in a country half-way around the world
Swim in the Pacific Ocean on Christmas
Rent a car in a foreign country and drive on the left side of the road
Travel to more countries than we are years old
Hike Machu Picchu
Stargaze in the Atacama Desert in Chile
Take a bus for 30 consecutive hours
Eat ants by choice
Gain employment in another country
Learn a new language in another country
Moments Of Unforgetable Bad Luck
Getting robbed at gunpoint in Colombia
Having our credit card information swiped
Missing our overnight bus in Mancora
Getting a parasite in Peru
Throwing up out of a bus window on a six hour journey through the Andes
Getting into a bus accident in San Gil Colombia
Goals We’ve Met
Climbing Machu Picchu
Inspiring a friend from back home to travel for the first time
Inspiring our parents and families to get passports for the first time
Reaching out to new audiences through Scratch My Pack Travel
Finding jobs and a house in New Zealand in order to continue traveling
Planing a DIY wedding while traveling the globe